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MVP & SaaS builder interested in Health and IT for green

Photo of a Laravel Developer
Available now
Vers Pont du Gard, France
(UTC+01:00) Paris
French, English

Online Presence

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Last updated: May 4th 2023

Approved: May 4th 2023


  • Senior
  • C-level

Open to...

  • Part-time freelance
  • Full-time freelance

I am a fullstack developer with 11 years of experiences who love :

  • to learn new things
  • to solve problems
  • to help people
  • to share what I learned
  • to work remotely
  • to design solutions

And I do it mostly with code and technology.

Also I think good communication and empathy are necessary for a project to succeed. Speaking of communication, I am French and my English is OK for work.

I would love to work on projects about Health (2 experiences) or IT for green (1 experience).

So, what is your project about ?

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