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I'm a software engineer, with knowledge in Java and PHP, I've been working with programming for +7 years, my main quality is always learning more.

Photo of a Laravel Developer
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Last updated: February 10th 2023

Approved: February 10th 2023


  • Senior

Open to...

  • Part-time freelance
  • Part-time employment
  • Full-time freelance
  • Full-time employment

I have experience with:

  • DDD
  • Clean Code
  • CQRS
  • PSR
  • Agile methodologies, Scrum
  • Database modeling.
  • Docker
  • Reverse Proxy
  • AWS
  • Pipelines
  • Git (GitFlow)
  • Design patterns
  • Object orientation
  • PostgreSQL
  • Payment Systems
  • Financial systems

Laravel experience:

  • Filament
  • Development of dynamic APIs, with query and transformations (similar to GraphQl)
  • GraphQL
  • Redis
  • Creating packages (Public and Private)
  • Firebase Cloud Messaging
  • SSO authentication
  • Microservices
  • Octane

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